I’m heading back to Houston, TX tomorrow to hang out with some friends – and while there I will be setting up a very special ISS-Above.
Just a couple of miles away from NASA Johnson Space Center is a very special place called Chelsea Wine Bar.
During my last two visits to Houston the NASA folks I was with had an “after-event-social” at this very lovely establishment. I even setup a demo ISS-Above unit – and experienced or the first time what happens when you have an ACTUAL ISS Astronaut in the room with you when the ISS-Above is flashing away and doing all it does during an overflight of the ISS.

Astronaut Scott Kelly (far right) visiting Chelsea Wine Bar on Jan 15 2015 chatting with a #NASASocial group who had just attended the One Year Mission briefing at JSC
Despite Mission Control for the ISS being just a few miles away – very few people really understand how frequently the ISS is in their skies. This is my way of making people more aware – and providing a great thing for all the friends of past / current and future astronauts who happen to be visiting.
I also wrote a press release to let the locals in Houston know this is happening.
Chelsea Wine Bar near NASA JSC celebrates the installation of an ISS-Above on April 8th, 2015 5pm