Kickstarter Update – Tweeted for all Non-Reward backers.

Although every one of the physical Kickstarter rewards were shipped months ago – I am embarrassed to admit that I never got around to sending the Tweet messages I promised for all non-physical-reward backer levels.

For all non-physical reward backers I promised to send a tweet on your behalf via the @ISSAboveYou account when the ISS passed over your location.

To do that I needed to develop a special program that would handle this.   I did that a few days ago – and ever since then I’ve had one of my ISS-Above’s here running the code and dutifully sending the tweets whenever the ISS passed by their location.

This graphic shows the distribution of those tweets over the past few days

bkWorldMap-Tweets-FINALAnd here are some of those tweets

tweet-thxtweet-thx2 tweet-thx3It has been a lot of fun to see these tweets going out.

Thanks to ALL the backers of the ISSAbove Kickstarter.